Unit Selection

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Error driven unit selection

Some statistics

Size of phoneme corpus
Utterances 2000
Phonemes (including EOW and words) 95938
Frames 756009
mistakes (contiguous strings of incorrect phones) with left/right presense of EOW as the only context) 3253
number of phonemes covered by mistakes in the corpus (coverage) 27097
converage by mistakes of length 1 4621
number of mistakes with at least 5 occurrences 247
coverage by mistakes with at least 5 occurrences 9244
The probability of a particular phone occurring in the corpus, and the probability of a particular phone that is correct in the corpus

This seems roughly consistent with http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/wordscape/wordlist/phonfreq.html.

The Confusion matrix
The confusion matrix ignoring EOW and various non-speech events

The number of triphone decision tree leaf nodes is essentially not correlated with any of {total Frames,total Phones, error Phones, error Frames} per phone. Since the units are chosen to maximally cover the mistakes in the corpus, this might suggest that deepening the triphone DTs is not the same thing as coming up with these error-based units.

Computational issues

At 5.5 minutes per utterance, decoding the entire training corpus (1,700,000 utterances) will take around 206 days on the empty cluster. That's too long. We make do with around 50000 utterances.

Unit creation

grow context, most general to most specific. Growth stops when
  1. Number of tokens drops below some threshold
  2. Precision raises above some threshold
At the minimum, find all containing wrong multiwords subject to min token count
possibly do the same context trick as for subword

The trick for choosing what to replace: Build DTs on each context phoneme.

while leaf nodes have entropy > 0:
  For each leaf node L with entropy > 0:
    choose context phoneme A:
    S = the subset of examples having attribute A
    build a shallow DT on AF of A (with a large minimum of examples in the leaf nodes), using S as data set

^^^^^^^ This does not work.

M5 replacement improvement: 7032.400000 245 units
M0 replacement improvement: 4699.350000 3223 units

>2 improvement
M5 replacement improvement: 7096.050000 235 units
M0 replacement improvement: 3143.750000 655 units
no context:
M5 replacement improvement: 6800.850000 204 units
M0 replacement improvement: 4820.000000 2918 units

>2 improvement
M5 replacement improvement: 6963 192 units
M0 replacement improvement:  units

Syllable Units

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