Installation notes for ifp-32

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To add users

useradd -u <uid> -g<gid> <userName>

so that uid and gid match the existing ones

rocks sync users 
cluster-fork '/sbin/service autofs restart'

to replicate the login info immediately, otherwise they get sent out once an hour This copies their password/login info and autofs entries into /etc/auto.home for the compute nodes. DO NOT EDIT /etc/auto.home

Allow access to wordpress and ganglia from everywhere via https

cd /etc/sysconfig/
chmod u+w iptables
emacs iptables

add line

-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport https -j ACCEPT

Hash known hosts, so a hacked account on one system won't propagate to others so easily

cd /etc/ssh/
chmod u+w ssh_config 
emacs ssh_config

add line under Host* HashKnownHosts yes

Share the /cworkspace among all the cluster nodes

This actually shares the dirs through the NFS

chmod u+w exports 
emacs exports 
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs restart

You have to do the analogous thing on the compute nodes, if you want to share their something from them.

This sets up the automounts on the /cworkspace

cd /etc/
chmod u+w auto.*
emacs auto.master

add line

/cworkspace /etc/auto.share --timeout=1200
emacs auto.share

add lines

apps ifp-32.local:/export/&
install ifp-32.local:/export/home/&
c1-1 compute-1-1.local:/ws/c1-1
c1-2 compute-1-2.local:/ws/c1-2
c1-3 compute-1-3.local:/ws/c1-3
c1-4 compute-1-4.local:/ws/c1-4
c1-5 compute-1-5.local:/ws/c1-5
c1-6 compute-1-6.local:/ws/c1-6
c1-7 compute-1-7.local:/ws/c1-7
c1-8 compute-1-8.local:/ws/c1-8
c1-9 compute-1-9.local:/ws/c1-9
c1-10 compute-1-10.local:/ws/c1-10
c1-11 compute-1-11.local:/ws/c1-11
c1-12 compute-1-12.local:/ws/c1-12
c1-13 compute-1-13.local:/ws/c1-13
c1-14 compute-1-14.local:/ws/c1-14
c1-15 compute-1-15.local:/ws/c1-15
c1-16 compute-1-16.local:/ws/c1-16
usr_local_linux_cluster ifp-32.local:/export/usr_local_linux_cluster
cluster-fork '/sbin/service autofs restart'

To change scheduling to equal cpu allocation among waiting users

qconf -mconf

add lines

enforce_user auto
auto_user_fshare 100
qconf -msconf

add lines

weight_tickets_functional 10000

To make qstat show jobs of all users

cd /opt/gridengine/default/common
emacs sge_qstat

add line

-u * 

get a latish subversion from rpmforge (the one from centos is too old):

rpm -ivh subversion-1.5.6-0.2.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm

get a latish version of python

this will install /usr/bin/python2.6 but won't touch the /usr/bin/python that was there originally

tar -xjvf Python-2.6.2.tar.bz2 
cd Python-2.6.2
yum install readline-devel
make -j 4
make altinstall
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