Phone-to-Feature Mapping

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Feature set

Feature name Values Comments
pl1 (place 1) LAB, L-D, DEN, ALV, P-A, VEL, GLO, RHO, LAT, NONE, SIL Place of forward constriction
dg1 (degree 1) VOW, APP, FLAP, FRIC, CLO, SIL Degree of forward constriction.

This is not exactly a degree of constriction feature, though; e.g., the same physical degree of constriction could result in a fricative or not, depending on the pressure behind it. We label a constriction as a fricative only if there is turbulence noise. FLAP is also not really a degree of consriction: it's really a closure which is short in duration.

pl2 (place 2) L-D, DEN, ALV, P-A, VEL, GLO, RHO, LAT, NONE, SIL Place of rear constriction. One value fewer than place 1, because can't have two labial constrictions.
dg2 (degree 2) VOW, APP, FLAP, FRIC, CLO, SIL Degree of rear constriction
nas (nasality) +, - + means "velum is open" and therefore is used for both nasal consonants and other nasalized sounds.
glo (glottal state) VOI (regular pitch periods), VL (voiceless), ASP (aspiration), A+VO (aspiration + voicing), STOP (stop), IRR (irregular pitch periods) Replaces voicing feature to deal with more states. "Voiceless" refers to both silence and non-silence voiceless. "Aspiration" refers to voiceless with aspiration (e.g. aspirated part of voiceless stop burst). "Aspiration + voicing" is used for voiced [h] and aspirated vowels/liquids/glides. When we label something as "aspirated", we are including aspiration noise that may originate elsewhere other than the glottis (so it is not really a "glottal state", but we are lumping it into this feature anyway).
rd (lip rounding) +, -
vow (vowel) aa, ae, ah, ao, aw1, aw2, ax, axr, ay1, ay2, eh, el, em, en, er, ey1, ey2, ih, ix, iy, ow1, ow2, oy1, oy2, uh, uw, ux, N/A Replaces front-back and high-low features. Doesn't seem like there's any information loss in doing this.

Mapping from canonical phones to their articulatory feature values

  • '*' indicates that a feature is unspecified; e.g. the feature vow for [hh] and [q] or rd for rhotics and palato-alveolar fricatives.
  • One phone, [q], can take on either of two values for glo, STOP or IRR.
  • All of the phones have pl2 = NONE, dg2 = VOW canonically (though [w] is arguable). However, these features are used in the transcription of non-canonical regions.
  • The 'notes' column records other issues that have come up in discussions about specific phones.
  • We use a single vowel tier, instead of height and front-back features; height and front-back fail to distinguish certain vowel sets and were found to be hard to use in practice when transcribing. For your reference, height and front-back features are shown in the vowel diagram below.
  • Our current mapping is Set 6; To see how our feature sets have evolved, click here.
phn pl1 dg1 pl2 dg2 nas rd glo vow IPA examples, notes
aaNONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIaaɑas in "bob"
aeNONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIaeæas in "bat"
ahNONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIahʌas in "but"
aoNONEVOWNONEVOW-+VOIaoɔas in "bought"
aw1NONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIaw11st articulatory configuration of the diphthong in "bout"
aw2NONEVOWNONEVOW-+VOIaw22nd articulatory configuration of the diphthong in "bout"
axNONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIaxə1st vowel in "about"
axrRHOAPPNONEVOW-*VOIaxrɚas in end of "butter"; note: features same as [r], [er]?
ay1NONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIay11st articulatory configuration of the diphthong in "bite"
ay2NONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIay22nd articulatory configuration of the diphthong in "bite"
bclLABCLONONEVOW--VOIN/Aclosure only
chP-AFRICNONEVOW-*VLN/Aʧfrication part only of affricate in "chat" (closure part is [dcl]); same features as [sh]; note: rd?
dclALVCLONONEVOW--VOIN/Aclosure only
dxALVFLAPNONEVOW--VOIN/Aɾflap as in "butter"
ehNONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIehɛas in "bet"
elLATCLONONEVOW--VOIelsyllabic /l/ as in "bottle"; note: vow = N/A?
emLABCLONONEVOW+-VOIemsyllabic /m/ as in some productions of "bottom"; note: vow = N/A?
enALVCLONONEVOW+-VOIensyllabic /n/ as in "button"; note: vow = N/A?
erRHOAPPNONEVOW-*VOIerɝas in "bird"; note: rd? features same as [r], [axr]?
ey1NONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIey11st articulatory configuration of the diphthong in "bait"
ey2NONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIey22nd articulatory configuration of the diphthong in "bait"
gclVELCLONONEVOW--VOIN/Aclosure only
hhNONEVOWNONEVOW-*ASP*hvoiceless aspirant as in "he"
ihNONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIihɪas in "bit"
ixNONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIixɨfront schwa, as in some productions of 2nd vowel in "roses"
iyNONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIiyias in "beet"
jhP-AFRICNONEVOW-*VOIN/Aʤfrication part only of palato-alveolar affricate in "jot" (closure part is [dcl]); same features as [zh]; note: rd?
kVELBURNONEVOW--VLN/Akʰ, kburst only; for the canonical mapping, we are calling the entire burst BUR, i.e. ignoring the aspiration portion in stressed environments
kclVELCLONONEVOW--VLN/Aclosure only
nxALVFLAPNONEVOW+-VOIN/Aɾ̃nasal flap, as in some productions of "winter" or "winner"
ngVELCLONONEVOW+-VOIN/Aŋas in "bang"
ow1NONEVOWNONEVOW-+VOIow11st articulatory configuration of the diphthong in "boat"
ow2NONEVOWNONEVOW-+VOIow22nd articulatory configuration of the diphthong in "boat"
oy1NONEVOWNONEVOW-+VOIoy1oɪ, ɔɪ1st articulatory configuration of the diphthong in "boy"
oy2NONEVOWNONEVOW--VOIoy2oɪ, ɔɪ2nd articulatory configuration of the diphthong in "boy"
pLABBURNONEVOW--VLN/Apʰ, pburst only; see note for [k]
pclLABCLONONEVOW--VLN/Aclosure only
qGLOCLONONEVOW--STOP/IRR*ʔglottal stop; note: VOI?, unspecified vow? [Used to be ST/IRR; changed it here and above.-AB,7/14/06]
rRHOAPPNONEVOW-*VOIN/Aɹas in "run"; rd?
tALVBURNONEVOW--VLN/Atʰ, tburst only; see note for [k]
tclALVCLONONEVOW--VLN/Aclosure only
thDENFRICNONEVOW--VLN/Aθas in "thin"
uhNONEVOWNONEVOW-+VOIuhʊas in "book"
uwNONEVOWNONEVOW-+VOIuwuas in "boot"
uxNONEVOWNONEVOW-+VOIux(j)u, ʉfronted /uw/ as in some productions of "too"; same as German ü or vowel in French "sur"
yP-AAPPNONEVOW--VOIN/Ajas in "yet"
zhP-AFRICNONEVOW-*VOIN/Aʒas in "measure"; note: rd?
silSILSILSILSIL--VLN/AUsed to have pl2 = NONE, dg2 = VOW;why, I have no idea. So I changed it to SIL for all 4 pl/dg features.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxany non-speech regions. e.g., laughter, inhalation.

Vowel diagram


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