Parallel Computing

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For users

See cluster status at .

Sun Grid Engine on ifp-32

Bowon's brief introduction about the SGE here Detailed SGE document, including Job Dependency[1]


Perl MPI Simple

MPICH2 , is a high-performance and widely portable implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard (both MPI-1 and MPI-2). shared on /cworkspace/ifp-32-1/hasegawa/programs/mpich2-1.2.1. Simple UserGuide for MPICH2.


Two jobs I submitted this afternoon remain "dr" status. I tried to delete them using "qdel -f <jobid>" but it didn't work.
It's because the compute node on which the jobs were running (compute-1-9 in this case) crashed. You can see it's down by going to Someone needs to physically go to the lab and reboot the 9th machine from the BOTTOM of the rack. (plug the keyboard and monitor from the back of the rack into the suspect machine first just to check it's really the right machine).

For administrators

The Installation notes for ifp-32 are available.

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