########################################## # # PVTK - # a small toolkit for manipulating periodic vectors # ########################################## # # Variables that may depend on system setup # CPU = linux # Where do you want binaries installed? INSTALL_ROOT = . # Where are the HTK libraries? hlib = ../htk/HTKLib HLIBS = $(hlib)/HTKLib.$(CPU).a # How should gcc be called? CC = gcc CFLAGS = -ansi -I$(hlib) -I. -g -D'CPU="$(CPU)"' LFLAGS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib # What should we call the PVTK library? PVLIB = PVTKLib.$(CPU).a all: VTransform VExtract VApplySvms $(PVLIB) : PVTKLib.o -rm PVTKLib.$(CPU).a ar rv PVTKLib.$(CPU).a PVTKLib.o -ranlib PVTKLib.$(CPU).a VTransform : $(hlib)/HTKLib.$(CPU).a $(PVLIB) PVTK.h VTransform.o $(CC) VTransform.o $(HLIBS) $(PVLIB) -lm $(LFLAGS) mv a.out $(INSTALL_ROOT)/VTransform VExtract : $(hlib)/HTKLib.$(CPU).a $(PVLIB) PVTK.h VExtract.o $(CC) VExtract.o $(HLIBS) $(PVLIB) -lm $(LFLAGS) mv a.out $(INSTALL_ROOT)/VExtract VApplySvms : $(hlib)/HTKLib.$(CPU).a $(PVLIB) PVTK.h VApplySvms.o $(CC) VApplySvms.o $(HLIBS) $(PVLIB) -lm $(LFLAGS) mv a.out $(INSTALL_ROOT)/VApplySvms PVTKLib.o: PVTK.h PVTKLib.c clean: -rm -f *.o *.cpu removetools: -rm -f $(INSTALL_ROOT)/VTransform -rm -f $(INSTALL_ROOT)/VExtract -rm -f $(INSTALL_ROOT)/VApplySvms